In the last few weeks, we took a look at problems in the current paradigms in managing one’s finances. I also proposed a manifesto  of financial self-determination to help individuals of every financial stripe take control of their personal financial situation and start moving in the direction of greater strength and confidence.

This week we will take that process a step further and train our lens on what characterizes these people who set and drive their own agendas so actions and events accrue to their financial benefit. What do they do differently? How can we also learn from their habits and begin to take those first few steps towards greater financial self-determination.

Continue reading “The Five Habits of Financially Self-driven People”


If I stopped you on the road and asked you the one thing that was characteristic of managing money, what would say? If you’re like many people, chances are you probably said “the math” or “the complexity” of tasks and decisions involved in managing your money. In fact, entire industries have come into being, and making very good profits, thank you very much, premised on this fundamental construct that effective finance means complex finance.

Continue reading “Just “Kiss” The Problem Away – Why Simple Is the New Black”


If there is one thing that characterizes the lives of women across multiple social strata – it is the severe lack of time and bandwidth that most of them battle constantly. The same amount of attention and mental capacity has to be apportioned between many equally important and demanding tasks – work, home, kids, and not least, money, for many busy women.

Continue reading “When Too Little Costs Too Much”


In a recent post, we saw how people across all socioeconomic categories heavily used their social networks to help them with their personal financial decisions. Interestingly, we also saw that the reliance on this network drops significantly as you climb up the ladder of wealth and status.

It would seem a matter of immense concern that those on the lower rungs, and presumably less financially savvy, would put themselves at risk of making decisions or taking actions that could hurt them financially. After all, how can the blind lead the blind effectively?

Continue reading “Surprise: In Money Matters, the Blind May Lead the Blind Better”


Here’s a pop quiz: Did you ask a friend or family member the last time you were pondering a financial decision? Why or why not? And if you did, did you actually take their advice?

The field of sociology is not one we immediately connect with the world of hard numbers, money and finance. Yet, it feels intuitive and natural that friends and family must have some bearing on an individual’s financial and particularly investment and savings activities. But how to get an objective view? And more importantly, what does that objective view imply for specific groups or segments, such as women, for example?

Continue reading “On Friends, Family and Finances”